Monday, September 12, 2011


I chose Risk-taking to be the most important characteristic that every entrepreneur must have. I chose this to be the best characteristic out of the 12 for many reasons. If you are scared to take risk and don’t believe it’s going to be worth it, you can never be a successful entrepreneur! Taking risks is the first step in being an entrepreneur. If you can’t comfortably take the risks of investing in your business then you can’t be a successful entrepreneur. You have to be willing to take risks that you think and truly believe is going to benefit your business, without knowing the outcome. It’s as simple as that.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why be an entrepreneur? Post your collage on your blog. in paragraph form, explain in detail the reasoning behind the words chosen. It must relate to REWARDS, RISK, and CHARACTERISTICS.

My collage portrays some of the many risks and rewards of being an entrepreneur and taking on a business venture. Taking on a business venture is one of the most risky tasks you can take on and challenge yourself with, because your business can easily fail leaving you with debt. You never know if the population is going to take a liking to your business or if it will just flop. Although it’s a huge risk starting up a business there are also many rewards too, and in my opinion the rewards outweigh the risks. I have portrayed many rewards on my collage. I chose to put the #1 Cash Rewards Program because If your business becomes successful than so will your bank account.  In my opinion, by doing something you enjoy, doing it on your schedule, being your own boss, and making bank at the same time, it would ultimately be the #1 Cash Rewards Program.  I included the SUMMER: (now available at home) because by taking on your own business, that means you are going to be your own boss.  This means that you can choose when you want to go into work, or if you want to work from home, meaning that you could enjoy your summer at your house. I included RICHER on my collage because essentially by owning a successful business you will become richer in pocket, mind and body. I included EXPERIENCE on my board because as you go on and build your business you’re going to build experience (from mistakes and competition) and knowledge, which will help you in life and in the business world. I included the designed house, because you can build your dream house from scratch by being your own boss. You will have the money and the resources to build your own house; you will also have the times on your hands to design your house because you’re not on a schedule. I included the family cooking in the kitchen, because by running a business you may not get to spend time with your family as much as you wish. I included the nice car because you can have just about any car you want if your business is a success! If your business flops then you will not be buying this nice car but probably riding the Marta… but good try though! I included the picture of the lady doing labor in the corner because by owning your own business you won’t be doing labor; you will be hiring people to do that for you. I included the credit card to represent debt. If your business is a success then you won’t need credit cards but if it isn’t then you will be in debt and probably be dependent on credit cards. I included the beach ball to represent vacation which your family could take when they wanted, because you’re not on a certain schedule. I included FED UP because you might get fed up with the hardships of owning a business and quit doing it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

There are many rewards to taking on an Entrepreneurship and being an Entrepreneur. One of the most obvious rewards is that you can be your own boss. By being your own boss it ultimately means that you almost free to do what you want. You can set up your own schedule. If you’re not a morning person then you can go into work at night, or vice versa. You can also know where your job stands and know if your business is in trouble, opposed to waking up one morning and getting fired. Other than being your own boss, you’re going to be doing something that you enjoy and not something you dread doing. You are also making bank if your business is a success! You can also be creative and everything you do is up to you, your in control of YOUR business. That’s the best reward to me.